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Training Calendar

Training Calendar


25.26 Batch Scheduling AM Virtual Session

Building Level Batch Scheduling Virtual Sessions are offered 4 times a week to assist scheduling personnel each step of the way through the scheduling process.

--Preparing for Scheduling (courses, priorities, SYI & Configuration Changes)
-- Public Course Request Module
--Course Request Mass Update Groups
--Running Reports
--Running the Batch Scheduler

Please download the 25.26 Batch Scheduler Checklist located in the documents portion of the StudentInformation/Portal Home page. 

25.26 Batch Scheduling PM Virtual Session

Building Level Batch Scheduling Virtual Session are offered 4 times a week to assist scheduling personnel each step of the way through the scheduling process.

--Preparing for Scheduling (courses, priorities, SYI & Configuration Changes)
--Public Course Request Module
--Course Request Mass Update Groups
--Running Reports
--Running the Batch Scheduler

Please download the 25.26 Batch Scheduler Checklist located in the documents portion of the StudentInformation/Portal Home page. 

25.26 Batch Scheduling AM Virtual Session

Building Level Batch Scheduling Virtual Sessions are offered 4 times a week to assist scheduling personnel each step of the way through the scheduling process.

--Preparing for Scheduling (courses, priorities, SYI & Configuration Changes)
-- Public Course Request Module
--Course Request Mass Update Groups
--Running Reports
--Running the Batch Scheduler

Please download the 25.26 Batch Scheduler Checklist located in the documents portion of the StudentInformation/Portal Home page. 

GradeBook Admin Training Webinar

GradeBook Admin Training

This virtual (webinar) training is intended for district staff with the School Administrator role in GradeBook. Please note that this training is different from Principal or Curriculum-specific training. It is designed for individuals responsible for maintaining the GradeBook application with support from MVECA.

Throughout this session, we will guide you through various processes within the application that will help you troubleshoot issues in GradeBook and ParentAccess for your district.


GradeBook Principal & Secretary Training Webinar

GradeBook Principal/Clerical Training

This virtual (webinar) training is designed for district staff with the GradeBook Principal and/or Clerical security roles.

In this session, we will cover the following topics:

  • Navigating GradeBook
  • Administrative Reports
  • Principal View of Teacher's GradeBook
  • Report Card Processes (Verification, Generation, and Printing)
  • Setting Homerooms for Daily Attendance
  • ParentAccess Processes and Functionality

DataMap Teacher/Guidance Counselor Training (Webinar)

DataMap Teacher/Guidance Counselor Training

This virtual training is designed for district staff who use the DataMap program. DataMap, an application within the ProgressBook Suite, is a student analytics tool that collects, aggregates, and displays trending and historical data, including assessment results from State, District, and third-party assessments.

In this session, we will cover the following topics:

  • Search Screen
  • Side Search Menu
  • Student Roadmap
  • Interventions
  • RIMPs Overview
  • Assessments
  • Graduation Points
  • Data Analysis Features

GradeBook Refresh Training Webinar for Teachers

GradeBook Refresh Training for Teachers

This virtual webinar is designed for teachers who are already familiar with the GradeBook application in the ProgressBook Suite but would like a refresher.

The training will cover the following topics:

  • Teacher Preferences
  • GradeBook Sharing 
  • Grading Scales
  • Calculation Methods and Weights
  • Updating the Roster
  • Student Profiles
  • Assignment Types
  • Report Card Entries
  • Transferring Student Marks
  • Viewing ParentAccess
  • Generating Reports



25.26 Batch Scheduling AM Virtual Session

Building Level Batch Scheduling Virtual Sessions are offered 4 times a week to assist scheduling personnel each step of the way through the scheduling process.

--Preparing for Scheduling (courses, priorities, SYI & Configuration Changes)
-- Public Course Request Module
--Course Request Mass Update Groups
--Running Reports
--Running the Batch Scheduler

Please download the 25.26 Batch Scheduler Checklist located in the documents portion of the StudentInformation/Portal Home page. 

25.26 Batch Scheduling PM Virtual Session

Building Level Batch Scheduling Virtual Sessions are offered 4 times a week to assist scheduling personnel each step of the way through the scheduling process.

--Preparing for Scheduling (courses, priorities, SYI & Configuration Changes)
--Public Course Request Module
--Course Request Mass Update Groups
--Running Reports
--Running the Batch Scheduler

Please download the 25.26 Batch Scheduler Checklist located in the documents portion of the StudentInformation/Portal Home page. 

25.26 Batch Scheduling AM Virtual Session

Building Level Batch Scheduling Virtual Sessions are offered 4 times a week to assist scheduling personnel each step of the way through the scheduling process.

--Preparing for Scheduling (courses, priorities, SYI & Configuration Changes)
-- Public Course Request Module
--Course Request Mass Update Groups
--Running Reports
--Running the Batch Scheduler

Please download the 25.26 Batch Scheduler Checklist located in the documents portion of the StudentInformation/Portal Home page. 

25.26 Batch Scheduling PM Virtual Session

Building Level Batch Scheduling Virtual Sessions are offered 4 times a week to assist scheduling personnel each step of the way through the scheduling process.

--Preparing for Scheduling (courses, priorities, SYI & Configuration Changes)
--Public Course Request Module
--Course Request Mass Update Groups
--Running Reports
--Running the Batch Scheduler

Please download the 25.26 Batch Scheduler Checklist located in the documents portion of the StudentInformation/Portal Home page.