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Fax Number: (937) 767-1793



Welcome to MVECA

Located in Yellow Springs, Ohio - Miami Valley Educational Computer Association is a consortium of 31 school districts and service centers from Clark, Clinton, Greene, Highland, Fayette, Madison, and Montgomery Counties in Ohio.  We also serve…
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MVECA News: Keeping You Connected.

Keep up with the latest news from MVECA with our e-newsletter... More +

MVECA Clients See Fees Decrease

MVECA clients are benefitting from the organization’s growth and development in recent years, with a 25 percent decrease in core service fees for fiscal year 2017...

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Shared-Services That Work

 MVECA provides a variety of technology services to our client organizations including: accounting and payroll support, student administration, electronic grade books, library automation, professional development, Internet access, technical/network support, hosted voice, wireless, and server solutions... More +