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Phone Number: (937) 767-1468

Fax Number: (937) 767-1793


MVECA was founded in 1980 as one of the Information Technology Centers licensed by the Ohio Department of Education and Workforce under Section 3301.075 of the Ohio Revised Code.  In 2006, MVECA reorganized as a Regional Council of Governments (COG) under Chapter 167 of Ohio Revised Code. This reorganization accomplished the following objectives: A COG is a legally recognized entity; Local Boards of Education have less exposure/liability concerning any litigation in which the COG may potentially be involved; More credibility as a Service Provider for e-Rate; A COG can provide services to non-educational entities; More autonomy; A COG may appoint their fiscal agent; Policies and procedures for employees may be determined as desired.

MVECA General Assembly meetings are held twice a year, typically in the fall (November) and in the spring (April). Each member school district is represented by the district Superintendent and Treasurer and a representative for the Associate Membership is appointed each year. It is the duty of the Assembly to: Elect the Board of Directors; Approve the annual COG budget; Approve new cooperative ventures; Approve fees to be charged for services; Approve all financial obligations entered into by the Treasurer; Approve suspension of members – all upon recommendation of the Board of Directors.

The Board of Directors consists of seven members of the Association Assembly. Not less than two members shall be Superintendents and not less than two members shall be Treasurers. The Board of Directors are elected by the Assembly for a term of three years. Board Meetings are held a minimum of six times per year.

MVECA will post all General Assembly and Board of Directors meeting dates, agendas and meeting minutes (after approval), as well as all other important Association governance and other information to a publicly available web site. Included will also be our annual Continuous Improvement Plan (CIP), Audit Information, Service Level Agreements and other information