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Library BLUECloud Cataloging Webinar
Library BLUECloud Cataloging Webinar
Contact: Monica Nolan - [email protected]
Event Date: 10/8/2024
Location: Webex Webinar
Registration Starts: Monday, September 16, 2024
Registration Ends: Monday, October 7, 2024

BLUEcloud is SirsiDynix's next-generation library services platform that brings the best library user experience in a cloud-based environment. Through INFOhio, the following BLUEcloud products can be accessed such as BLUEcloud Circulation, BLUEcloud Cataloging, MobileStaff, and ISearch. 

BLUEcloud Cataloging brings copy cataloging to the cloud, to work smarter and faster.  BC Cataloging will add items into your library catalog.  Items added in BLUEcloud will be seen in WorkFlows after the sync takes place.  How to create SMART item labels will also be covered

If time permits, we will have time for users to add an item into their catalog. 

The registration window for this event is currently not available.