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Phone Number: (937) 767-1468

Fax Number: (937) 767-1793



Here, in the MVECA support pages, we hope you will find the resources you need to answer your questions. Using the most efficient means, you can review documentation, create a help desk request, email, phone us, seek remote assistance or attend an online meeting.
In summary you'll find: Resources, Help Desk Information, Training Schedules, and Staff Directory.
Please check the available MVECA Resources including various Documents, Checklists, and Training materials that may help you resolve your issue on your own. 

The MVECA Support Team makes use of the Solarwinds ServiceDesk application. To submit a ticket, please sign in via the “Single Sign-On button” using your DSL Active Directory credentials (provided to you by MVECA). We will acknowledge your tickets within 4 hours and typically resolve the issue within one day.
To open a ticket you can go the MVECA Service Portal or follow the directions on this page.

MVECA offers a wide variety of training opportunities to help you become more proficient in the use of the applications you depend upon.

MVECA will utilize online meetings and recordings when appropriate for scheduled training events or impromptu one-on-one meetings.

Email, Phone and other Contact information for all MVECA Staff.